Its the 4th day of the new year...2008. I start the new year on the rite note! Didnt go out to watch the fireworks as planned as hubby need to work on nite shift. I went to office on 31st Dec, clear my work wen my boss smsed and said that i can go lunch at 12 and i dont have to come back to office ..wow ..since we follow branch operations hours...but i did not leave till ard 12+ as i helped my colleagues did some set up for the New Year event.
1st Jan : celebrated Mika's 8th birthday ( his actual bday is on 2nd jan) but we celebrated early as 2nd Jan is a school day...Mika got his birthday wish , DUEL MASTER play cards ( i dont understand boy games ..either GAMEBOY, PSP or play cards) anyways...the rest of the family gave him $$ and he oso got UNO ATTACK .
2nd Jan : First day of school and i took leave to send them to school. For primary school, daddies are encouraged to send the kids to school...hubby sent Ilyas(pri 5) whereas i sent Mika (Pri 2). I feel so sad to see them grow ...esp Ilyas...my first baby is in Pri 5 already...boy am i old! wahahahaha.
9.30am : sent Aliyah for her orientation ...it was a short one! We spent 10mins in her class and after that we brought my mum to JB as she wants to send her bath towel to be embroidered with her name...mmmmm...
3rd Jan : Back at work....my inbox was closed as too many emails....sucks! Spent the whole morning replying email , updating my boss calendar...this is wat happen wen u dont have a back up at work! Shit....anyways my boss wants me to finish the meeting minutes as our next meeting is next Tuesday morning...hate it when i have morning meeting .
Tonite hubby went for his fishing trip with his frenz...im gog to spend tonite finishing GREY'S ANATOMY season 3...i bought season 4 already so hoping to finish Season 3 soon.......my kids are watching OM SHANTI OM over and over again! Everytime when they on OM SHANTI OM...i can hear the song " Deewangi Deewangi ..."
Tomorrow is Saturday......n i have a wedding reception of an ex colleague of mine.....thinking wat to wear??!! aarggh..
K will update soon ...hopefully.....Nite nite
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