Tuesday, June 10, 2008
What a week....!
Accompany hubby n kids n my parents for fishing trip to Punggol (never want to go again) .....met up wif my baby sister n her hubby n his family (fishing freaks). While there, i felt uncomfortable already, not well. Reached home ard 7 i was feverish. Took panadol n went to bed.
Lina brought Aliyah for Barney show...n aliyah enjoyed her outing with her mak long lina n pak long bob n aiman & affan. Thanks guys!
Monday , i was down n out! Went to my company's dr n the idiotic dr gave me 1 day mc for a high fever of 38.6! I requested for another day coz i lembik already..cnt even walk straight. Reached home took my med n knocked out till abt 3pm..At nite hubby brought me for foot reflexology coz he pity me in such state. This time it was damn sakit...felt better after tat. Thanks dar! Mcm nie i nak sakit2 selalu...wahahahaha (no thanks)
By the way , good news for me! I have lost the inches around my waist...no more bulging tummy! YAHOOOOOO.....sooo happy. Esp when my GF, Tini complimented me during lunch today after not seeing me for 2 months...Thanks GF!
Im so loaded with work lately...aiyoh..pening2. HELP.....
Will blog in again soon..nitey nite
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Mm...now its June
Me trying on $4.5K Chanel handbag......hubby if u r reading this, can buy for me? I promise wont ask u for another bag for ant 2 years! wahahahaha
Abdullah family going for a walk at the Southern Ridge...very interesting! I love tis kind of gathering....makes me happy to see our families together.
GSS is back...but shit, bonus lagi lambat lah...this month nak renew my maid's passport lagi...but hubby promise to bring me shopping when we go KL in Aug. Gua nak ketok dia CELINE BITTERSWEET. Told hubby tis time i want to stay @ Mandarin Oriental, lets see how much of corporate rate we can get fr ExxonMobil. Macam2 nak eh.. botak laki aku.
Anyways....im still counting down to my sis due date...another 13days to go..anytime now....im going to be Mummy Iza (no mak long ok!)
Ciao Bella
Monday, May 19, 2008
Unplanned KL Trip 16th May
Us leaving for KL
Day one...im sure many ppl gonna ask where is her tudung? Mmmm......im not gonna give any excuses for not wearing one...its between me n god. Hubby was mum abt me not wearing even when we stop for makan. But when we arrived at the hospital carpark he asked, where is your tudung? I said juz for today...no tudung. Sorry no offence..god forgive me. Arrived at hospital n was greeted by solemn mood...his aunties were there....luckily they never ask abt me not wearing tudung...nak jadik budak jahat jap. Hehehe. I cant see his uncle in tat state wif the tube coming out fr his head...oh my! Kesian sey. Left the hospital ard 10 coz we are so damn tired n i was worried sick if we cnt get a hotel room. Shitz....Hotel Grand Seasons was nearby n we got good rate 160RM for ExxonMobil staff. We got a room on 21st floor....could see Eye on Msia fr our room..n the hospital is nxt door. Hehehe.....After shower, both me n hubby went to eat dinner at the cafe. I had fried kway teow n he had nasi goreng kampung. Went back to our room ard 11+...he knocked out. I set alarm on my hp at 2.30 in case my inlaws arrived. Alarm went off at 2.30 but no calls yet. Went back to sleep n at 3.30 am...Jaf calls n informed me they are at hotel carpark. Quickly wake him uup, he was in boxer n me in sexy tank top...hahahaha..kelam kabut sey. Pengsan org2 nie nanti nampak aku sexy! wahhaha
We chit chatted till abt 4.30am.....me , hannah n MIL slept on the bed while the guys on the floor.. Kesian eh. Wat to do. I woke up at 6.50am n showered. The rest oso start to wake up. We checked out ard 9.30 n went to KLCC for breakfast. Aku rasa inlaws aku menyumpah sey sbb i chose KLCC. Im a fussy person when it comes to food n toilet. They wanted to eat at those stalls but sorry i cant take it. No offence anyone...its juz me. Even when deciding lunch, they were asking if im ok wif if we eat Nasi Kandar at Ampang. I told them dont worry abt me......finally i ate naan n tandoori chicken as naan is prepared on the spot. hehehe
Im looking forward to our next KL trip in Aug. Trip nie tak pakai ler sbb tak ge shopping. hehehe. Ooooh...bought 6 pairs of mittens n booties for Ferra...
oh yeah by the way...this trip i feel like mcm baru kawin g2 ...sbb tak bwk budak2. Hehehe. Too bad ngah red light tat day! Ooops....hahahaha
Dah balik...im down wif fever ...i tink its the weather...so freaking hot. Tak bleh angkat. Lagi2 when we were at Jln Masjid India....aiyoh. Dread tat place...but since Hannah nak ge sangat , ikut jer ler.
Oh yes...met Audrey at KLCC...she was having her breakfast there too. Small world!
Niways...past midnite now...actuali i juz woke up ard 9+ knock out by the fever med. Now groggy already.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Our Mothers' Day Celebration

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Farewell .......
On Wednesday evening, me, Lai Peng, Audrey n Siti went to the wake which was a Our Lady of Lourdes at Ophir Rd. Dylan was his usual self. He told us that it hasnt sank in yet..All 4 of us actually didnt know what to say to him or his family.
My sympathies to the family......may god bless her soul.
I was damn furious with one of the managers yesterday. I dont know why some men could juz blabber nonsense without thinking...didnt god give them BRAINS! F&^%$@
Here i am trying to help him but in the end , he sent an email to his BMs cc me nonetheless i quote his email ..."I already got anal from WS's PA"....WS's PA is ME! Shit shit shit....i replied to him saying it wasnt nice to say that abt me to all his BMs when i didnt even raise my voice at him and dont make me look like a bad person in front of others. He apologised.
I guess sometimes it doesnt pay to be nice to people! I felt like telling my boss but dont want to seem petty .....god help me!
I do all the shit work but what do i get in return..shit stuffs! Bloody hell......I m hoping that i get either a promotion or a damn good appraisal this Financial Year...coz if not im going to throw durians already.....
Tmr having mummy's day dinner @ Carousel ...yippee
Btw an advance MOTHERS DAY wish to all mummies reading my blog! Ciao
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Month of May
On Friday , didnt do much work in the office as all of us were bz wif the shifting. Had lunch with Audrey and KJ. Im sure gonna miss Audrey and the Wealth team. Audrey's boss wants me to go over to Wealth, its sounds tempting but i have to decide. Cindy said the door is always open for me to go over! Im over the moon.
Ilyas n Mika having exams next week...ooohhhh noooo! Why is it always the mummy are the only person who is stressed out when kids having exams! I dont like it abit.
Im counting down to my 12th wedding anniversary on the 25th. Its been so loonnggg.....our marriage is never perfect..full of UPS n DOWNS...fights are unavoidable !
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Surprise Baby Shower

26th April was the day we had a surprise baby shower for my 2nd sis, Zareena who is expecting her 1st baby, a gal named FERRA. Theme for the shower was PINK. Everything had to be in pink. My cousin, ordered a pink "roti kira"..makcik tue mesti ingat kita giler eh gal! hahahahaha