Tuesday, June 10, 2008
What a week....!
Accompany hubby n kids n my parents for fishing trip to Punggol (never want to go again) .....met up wif my baby sister n her hubby n his family (fishing freaks). While there, i felt uncomfortable already, not well. Reached home ard 7 i was feverish. Took panadol n went to bed.
Lina brought Aliyah for Barney show...n aliyah enjoyed her outing with her mak long lina n pak long bob n aiman & affan. Thanks guys!
Monday , i was down n out! Went to my company's dr n the idiotic dr gave me 1 day mc for a high fever of 38.6! I requested for another day coz i lembik already..cnt even walk straight. Reached home took my med n knocked out till abt 3pm..At nite hubby brought me for foot reflexology coz he pity me in such state. This time it was damn sakit...felt better after tat. Thanks dar! Mcm nie i nak sakit2 selalu...wahahahaha (no thanks)
By the way , good news for me! I have lost the inches around my waist...no more bulging tummy! YAHOOOOOO.....sooo happy. Esp when my GF, Tini complimented me during lunch today after not seeing me for 2 months...Thanks GF!
Im so loaded with work lately...aiyoh..pening2. HELP.....
Will blog in again soon..nitey nite
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Mm...now its June
Me trying on $4.5K Chanel handbag......hubby if u r reading this, can buy for me? I promise wont ask u for another bag for ant 2 years! wahahahaha
Abdullah family going for a walk at the Southern Ridge...very interesting! I love tis kind of gathering....makes me happy to see our families together.
GSS is back...but shit, bonus lagi lambat lah...this month nak renew my maid's passport lagi...but hubby promise to bring me shopping when we go KL in Aug. Gua nak ketok dia CELINE BITTERSWEET. Told hubby tis time i want to stay @ Mandarin Oriental, lets see how much of corporate rate we can get fr ExxonMobil. Macam2 nak eh.. botak laki aku.
Anyways....im still counting down to my sis due date...another 13days to go..anytime now....im going to be Mummy Iza (no mak long ok!)
Ciao Bella
Monday, May 19, 2008
Unplanned KL Trip 16th May
Us leaving for KL
Day one...im sure many ppl gonna ask where is her tudung? Mmmm......im not gonna give any excuses for not wearing one...its between me n god. Hubby was mum abt me not wearing even when we stop for makan. But when we arrived at the hospital carpark he asked, where is your tudung? I said juz for today...no tudung. Sorry no offence..god forgive me. Arrived at hospital n was greeted by solemn mood...his aunties were there....luckily they never ask abt me not wearing tudung...nak jadik budak jahat jap. Hehehe. I cant see his uncle in tat state wif the tube coming out fr his head...oh my! Kesian sey. Left the hospital ard 10 coz we are so damn tired n i was worried sick if we cnt get a hotel room. Shitz....Hotel Grand Seasons was nearby n we got good rate 160RM for ExxonMobil staff. We got a room on 21st floor....could see Eye on Msia fr our room..n the hospital is nxt door. Hehehe.....After shower, both me n hubby went to eat dinner at the cafe. I had fried kway teow n he had nasi goreng kampung. Went back to our room ard 11+...he knocked out. I set alarm on my hp at 2.30 in case my inlaws arrived. Alarm went off at 2.30 but no calls yet. Went back to sleep n at 3.30 am...Jaf calls n informed me they are at hotel carpark. Quickly wake him uup, he was in boxer n me in sexy tank top...hahahaha..kelam kabut sey. Pengsan org2 nie nanti nampak aku sexy! wahhaha
We chit chatted till abt 4.30am.....me , hannah n MIL slept on the bed while the guys on the floor.. Kesian eh. Wat to do. I woke up at 6.50am n showered. The rest oso start to wake up. We checked out ard 9.30 n went to KLCC for breakfast. Aku rasa inlaws aku menyumpah sey sbb i chose KLCC. Im a fussy person when it comes to food n toilet. They wanted to eat at those stalls but sorry i cant take it. No offence anyone...its juz me. Even when deciding lunch, they were asking if im ok wif if we eat Nasi Kandar at Ampang. I told them dont worry abt me......finally i ate naan n tandoori chicken as naan is prepared on the spot. hehehe
Im looking forward to our next KL trip in Aug. Trip nie tak pakai ler sbb tak ge shopping. hehehe. Ooooh...bought 6 pairs of mittens n booties for Ferra...
oh yeah by the way...this trip i feel like mcm baru kawin g2 ...sbb tak bwk budak2. Hehehe. Too bad ngah red light tat day! Ooops....hahahaha
Dah balik...im down wif fever ...i tink its the weather...so freaking hot. Tak bleh angkat. Lagi2 when we were at Jln Masjid India....aiyoh. Dread tat place...but since Hannah nak ge sangat , ikut jer ler.
Oh yes...met Audrey at KLCC...she was having her breakfast there too. Small world!
Niways...past midnite now...actuali i juz woke up ard 9+ knock out by the fever med. Now groggy already.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Our Mothers' Day Celebration

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Farewell .......
On Wednesday evening, me, Lai Peng, Audrey n Siti went to the wake which was a Our Lady of Lourdes at Ophir Rd. Dylan was his usual self. He told us that it hasnt sank in yet..All 4 of us actually didnt know what to say to him or his family.
My sympathies to the family......may god bless her soul.
I was damn furious with one of the managers yesterday. I dont know why some men could juz blabber nonsense without thinking...didnt god give them BRAINS! F&^%$@
Here i am trying to help him but in the end , he sent an email to his BMs cc me nonetheless i quote his email ..."I already got anal from WS's PA"....WS's PA is ME! Shit shit shit....i replied to him saying it wasnt nice to say that abt me to all his BMs when i didnt even raise my voice at him and dont make me look like a bad person in front of others. He apologised.
I guess sometimes it doesnt pay to be nice to people! I felt like telling my boss but dont want to seem petty .....god help me!
I do all the shit work but what do i get in return..shit stuffs! Bloody hell......I m hoping that i get either a promotion or a damn good appraisal this Financial Year...coz if not im going to throw durians already.....
Tmr having mummy's day dinner @ Carousel ...yippee
Btw an advance MOTHERS DAY wish to all mummies reading my blog! Ciao
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Month of May
On Friday , didnt do much work in the office as all of us were bz wif the shifting. Had lunch with Audrey and KJ. Im sure gonna miss Audrey and the Wealth team. Audrey's boss wants me to go over to Wealth, its sounds tempting but i have to decide. Cindy said the door is always open for me to go over! Im over the moon.
Ilyas n Mika having exams next week...ooohhhh noooo! Why is it always the mummy are the only person who is stressed out when kids having exams! I dont like it abit.
Im counting down to my 12th wedding anniversary on the 25th. Its been so loonnggg.....our marriage is never perfect..full of UPS n DOWNS...fights are unavoidable !
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Surprise Baby Shower

26th April was the day we had a surprise baby shower for my 2nd sis, Zareena who is expecting her 1st baby, a gal named FERRA. Theme for the shower was PINK. Everything had to be in pink. My cousin, ordered a pink "roti kira"..makcik tue mesti ingat kita giler eh gal! hahahahaha
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Updated pics

My cousins (Danial, Nad, Anisa & Imran)

Saturday, April 19, 2008
What a week !

Sempat berposing at my cubicle. Rosie love the scenery fr my cubicle! WOnt be there long as we are shifting out to either 13th flr or the other section of 10th flr. Urrgh
Went to Mustafa Centre on Friday aft work. My mum want to go to get the warranty for her new LCD tv.
I bought vcds (hindi of coz)...hubby went off to play pool after sending us home. I spent the nite watching KABHI ALVIDA NA KEHNA. I love the story so much even though its not ethical in indian culture. The songs are great... RANI N SHAH RUKH look great together ( as always).
"kabhi alvida na kehna...kabhi alvida na kehna"...aiyoh so sad!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Jaffar & Hannah Wedding
On Sunday was the reception for relatives. It was a fun but tiring day.. I was in my wedge again n by 2pm , cannot take it already, took off my wedge for my sandal...hahahahaha! I had to usher in lots of guest. Run here n there ......aiyoh. But it was a fulfilling day though, Jaf & Hannah wore purple songket. They look good together.

Saturday, April 5, 2008
Yesterday i went to the clinic as i was down with cold n cought...dr say i have swollen tonsils...no wonder it hurts when i swallow....:(
Im having a mini birthday makan2 for Ilyas tmr...the best part i have yet to buy the birthday cake. Terrible mummy rite! Aiyoh been bz wif work lately n has been going home late. I have got no time to also help Hannah n Jaf with their wedding preparation. The wedding is next week n i have yet to buy new shoe n shawl! SHIT!
Actually i am contemplating to buy a gold color shoe which i saw at SPACE.....its so nice but it cost $120....URGGHHH......i have tried on the shoe for the 3rd time yesterday! Now still wondering if i shld get it. Help me....did some spring cleaning juz now n i calculated i have 38 pairs of shoe! hehhehehe..shld i add it up to 40 !
Today not cooking again....will get food fr my mummy's place later. I watched Taare Zameen Paar with my kids....so sad. I tink those who have not watch it shld do so. Its a nice family movie. I cried (as usual lah....watch hindi movie surely cry) even Mika cried ok!
There's no LIVE telecast of BAHRAIN qualifying...sianz eh. Read the papers was shocked to see Hamilton crashed his car during testing. Aiyoh...see lah he too kancheong to meet Danni Minogue! hahahahahaha
Will blog in again soo.....
Sunday, March 30, 2008
My weekend...

Supposed to watch Mika Hakkinen in action today afternoon but plan was cancelled too, shit! 2.30pm went to Danish Bday party , left ard 4pm as hubby had a soccer match , he dropped me off at Clementi as i want to watch Concert in The Park with my cousins. The concert was good...but the weather was a killer! Was freaking hot! Hubby brought my boys wif him n so i took Heni n Aliyah to the concert with me at West Coast Park. Jan, Liyah, Lina n Bob were there .....had great fun. After tat we went to West Coast Food Centre to have dinner. As usual with Bob around , no moment is DULL....
Here are some pics taken @ West Coast Park....

Me, Lina & Liyah
Me & Jan
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Oh well i had my first DANCERCISE class on Wednesday evening.....wow we did HIP HOP n dance to the tune of CARWASH by Christina Aguilera....its been awhile since i danced .*wink* Had lots of fun ...wonder wat will the next lesson be?? SAMBA ? LAMBADA? BHANGRA?!! cant wait.
Yesterday my sis, Ein gave us a treat at Swensens...she got her performance bonus (i tink). Thanks SIS!
Walked ard Orchard Rd (without my ATM card) , i was penniless....saw 3 pairs of shoes that i like , which i tot will look nice on me to wear for Jaffar's wedding dinner....hehehehehe. But i wouldnt want to outdo the bride so i tink i better lay low or she will kill me! Sorry yeah Sis. Rite now im so into wedges...
Hubby had dinner wif his colleagues @ Apollo Banana Leaf n went to play some pool aft . I was bored n i msg my Lina if she wanna go to Mustafa n look for shawl, of coz she was ON....Bob picked me up ard 1.15am n we picked Lina up from work n meet hubby at Railway Stn for supper...the soto ayam was GOOD. Yum Yum
Aft tat we headed for Mustafa....it wasnt crowded though ....hubby bought 2 hindi VCDs..Tara Zameen Par n FANAA , actuali i had watched Fanaa but dont know where the cd is now.......me n lina bought shawls from Mustafa. I bought plain yellow n red n a mixed print in purple. Lina bought green, turqoise n red ( i tink) .
Today no plans.....hubby still sleeping as we reached home ard 4am. Most probaby tonite we are gog in to JB again for our usual "chill out" time. The only ting i look forward now every other weekend.
Will blog in again soon......ciao
Saturday, March 22, 2008
How i Spent Good Friday weekend !
Our pic taken ard 2.30am...we still look good !
Woke up at 10am ...i was still sleepy but was woken up by the kids making noise in the living room....haiyoh!
We went out to Orchard ard12+ as hubby need to get bday pressie for Fadil...he is turning 36 on 25th March...an advance bday wish for him. Had lunch n aft tat headed off to my InLaws place to catch the F1 qualifying round. Massa in pole position! AARGGHHHHHH.....n worst of all Hamilton n Kovalainen demoted 5 places down the grid..shit!
Tmr i have made plans with Hannah to go Orchard to order flowers for the wedding and the bride to be need to get some other stuffs too. Wow the wedding is in 2 weeks n i have not decided wat to wear for the wedding dinner?! So tmr is gals outing ...hubby will be home to catch the race and keep an eye on the kids...yippee.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
McLaren Rulez.....!
Australian Grand Prix was good.....with Lewis coming in 1st! Wat happen to Alonso?! kwang kwang kwang.....
Tis week is Malaysian Grand Prix week.....usually all of us will drive up to KL but tis year been a lazy year...hubby might not be gog either...well lets juz wait if he go or not.
Tmr is Good Friday...i need to run errands wif Hannah, my bro inlaw fiancee...their wedding is nxt mth and there are few things for us to settle. I am in charge of coordinating their wedding dinner. WOW...they have full faith n trust in me as my bro in law has seen me run the show for both my sisters wedding! I could be a WEDDING PLANNER! hahahahaha.......i love to do all these organisational stuffs...its fun and the best part of it is when after the wedding dinner, u know everyone enjoy it as much as we do! Satisfaction and the look on the couples face....mmmmm...
Tmr nite is our couple nite out to JB again , this time with 2 other pairs of cuzens who join in. My other cuzin Jan as we affectinately call him (or Shahril) will be in KL for the launch of his movie "REVOLUSI" i tink. Good luck Jan...
Alritey...nitey nite!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Busy day
I completed some of my work n by Monday i have to submit the monthly report for Management meeting....arrrgghhh hate it.
Tmr is payday...yippee. I need to get new pants for myself. I bought 4 new tops but yet to get the bottom and matching shawls. Aiyoh can go bankrupt at tis rate. Haha...but shopping is my favourite past time...i got myself 2 pairs of shoes . Craziness rite! One of my colleague actuali bought few pairs of shoes but left them in the office coz her hubby will make noise...hehehehehe...my hubby dont even notice if i bought aning ..but a few mths later he will ask if the shoe or top is new?! Duh
Its the weekend again.....juz hope it wont be another wet weekend. Oh yes...we had our Annual Abdullah family gathering at East Coast park on Wednesday ...a wet one tat is ! Tis year not many turn up as most of them have prior appts or holidays. It poured heavily n ard 4pm my pak long suggested that we go to any of our homes to continue..n cik aim offered his place and we went back to Yishun to continue till 9.30pm.
We had our pics taken but its wif my beautiful Aunty Mariah.....she can take awhile ah....wait for it!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Frantic ME!

I love this pic of Affan n me....not only do i look good (after a day of tension) ...ahahahahahaha...Affan is such a darling..look at his smile....love it! He will be turning 1 tis Sunday .....shit yet to get his bday pressie.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Another Weekend

The rest of the gang bullying Aliyah in the sand..
Im sure by now most of you have heard abt how the terrorist has escaped since last Wed! I have my concerns of coz , i have 3 kids so being a SUAKU Singaporean, i have packed my emergency bag. I have packed this emergency bag during the 9/11...wow...my hubby was saying im bloody Suaku. Its better to be ready in case of any emergency. I also told my mum to do the same. How many of you are like me! hahahahaha
I really hope Singapore authorities will find this guy soon so that we can go back to our normal life. Rite now i know some of us are living in fear....even my sis are afraid to take the MRT to work! Cant blame her , you see.
To all those Policemen, army personnel , Gurkhas....keep up the good work! Work safe!
As Singaporean , we muz all stick together in time like tis! Cheers !
Friday, February 29, 2008
Leap Year 2008

Saturday, February 23, 2008
sale sale ...a lazy wkend
Got myself a nice white floral top from one of the shops at Arcade......its dirt cheap n usually the shops have good bargain for nice clothes and pants, anything ranging fr $15-$25.....cool ha.
Today is saturday......we are not gog out as Mika is having this Diagnostic Assesment nxt week and he needs to do some revision. The syllables nowadays are so freaking difficult, i myself have trouble understanding.
I cook some dishes for the family today. Feel accomplished as hubby loves my "ketam masak lemak".
Tmr i will be visiting my aunty who lives few blocks away fr me as we juz found out that she is not feeling well. My other aunts n my mum will be gog over to give her our support in her time of need. I really hope she will be ok.
I am currently planning a picnic for the whole Abdullah family which will be on the 12th March 2008 @ East Coast Park. Hoping this time the picnic will be a better one than last year. Last year all of us had a great time playing games.
Alritey will blog in again....
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
More gifts ...yippee
I started to learn to drive .....hihihi...wow cant believe i could drive, finally. My instructor was an uncle in his 60s , he was very encouraging. After i took on the wheels , i started to drive from Fernvale to Sengkang, then to Punggol ...n guess what i drove all the way back to my mum place in Yishun! I was thrilled but scared at the same time. Happy that i mustered all the courage to drive. Hoping i could pass at first try ...good luck to ME!
Got myself a new Sony Ericsson W910i...in havana gold. Im so freaking happy! My fren call the the LV hp bcoz of the color.
My cousin , Ita gave birth to her 2nd baby boy yesterday 18th Feb...named Firas Rifqi (hope i spelt it correctly)..i took some pics using my new hp *wink2 . Aliyah was thrilled as she managed to carry lil Firas.
Aliyah wif baby Firas
Doesnt he look sweet ? so do my daughter !
Aliyah begged me to give her a baby sister! Am i crazy to give her one! OH NO...im not gog to put myself thru that phase again...its way over for me. Im juz waiting for my lil niece to "arrive" in June....
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
My 32nd Birthday

Sunday, February 10, 2008
A long break in Feb

Saturday, February 2, 2008
Fantastic February
Rite now im bz looking for the right instructor. Hopefully i will have the confidence to drive well... I told hubby if i pass n if our finances are stable , i want us to buy a SUV.....hehehehe...my wishlist
- Honda Crossroad
- Nissan Murano
- Honda CRV
- Chevrolet Captiva
- Volvo XC90 (yeah in my dreamz)
I really hope in time to come we can afford to buy our dream car...but u want to know wats my all time favourite car..AUDI TT in black! huh
Hubby wants an MPV..i hate MPV.....looks so gordy n too kental! wahahahahaha....no hard feelings
Will blog in again soon....cheerios
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
bye2 January...
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Busy Week
Work has been very hectic! Been a very BZ (X100) week! Headache!
My 2nd son , Mika has been selected for his sch golf team..he be in the Green Horns ! Yeahooo.....Ilyas was told to join T.A.F club...i was so mad. Didnt expect that he has to attend the T.A.F Club....rite now muz curb his food intake.....i can control him but wen he is wif his grandma , thats it! Im in a dilemma......shit
Rite now im a sucker for shoes...hehehe bought 2 pairs fr MITJU and placed an order at Alegra....hehehehe
bought 2 tops last wk at Isetan Tampines ...oh n yes last Thursday we had a prize presentation at MOS ! Imagine a woman like me (wearing hijab) gog to MOS...hahahaha....actuali we went to the function rm @ MOS. But it was fun though to be able to sit n mingle wif colleagues.....
Very soon it will be February n my birthday is coming soon......! another year older n wiser but always 18 at heart! hehehe
Monday, January 14, 2008
A new week
Did i say me n my kids went to Terminal 3 before fetching my dad. That place is great , its more like a mall to me. Kids love the fountain, the all glass lift and the skytrain!
It was a lazy sunday for me...had a late nite n couldnt get up. I only woke up wen my fren Rosie smsed me asking if im gog for Shanaz's 5th birthday, told her i cant make it as im too tired....
This morning i reached office at 8.05am...need to help setup for the induction program. Today is a marathon for me as i need to shuffle between my office and the boardroom.
Ilyas and Ashraf (ilyas fren) began their first tuition lesson today..juz hope ilyas will put in more effort...
Will blog in again...nite2...i need to catch up on McDreamy!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Its the weekend again....yahoo
Im so happpy coz i miss him alot..lots lots lots
My hubby couldnt take leave as few of his colleagues have taken leave..so i haf to go to airport by bus. Its been awhile since the kids took public transport since we have a car..they have become too lazy! hehehehe
Yesterday some idiot banged my hubby's car at Cairnhill carpark, he was shocked to see his car dented. I cant believe some IDIOTS are so unreasonable. How can u hit someone's car n juz leave like tat, but i believe in Karma n im sure he or she is going to get a taste of his own medicine. God is great! N hubby is so stressed coz he has to fork out $$ for the car..luckily for us its not a new car so the heartbreak is not so great! hehehehe
Finally got a tuition class for Ilyas and the guy charging me $12/hr which i find reasonable. Ilyas n his classmates are going for the tuition starting Monday. I juz wish Ilyas will put in more effort and less playful.
Yesterday, one of my Cluster Mgr informed me that i have to be in early on Monday to set up for training program which is starting on Monday itself. Haiyoh!
Anyways will blog in again..i need to shower n get ready, my papa's flight is arriving @11.30am.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Terrific Tuesday!
Reached office as usual , had my cup of teh-o to perk up my day....at 9am had to rush some printouts for my 9.30 meeting . Meeting went on till 12.30 noon , and than my boss adjourned the meeting for us to go for our department belated lunch. Actually i had reserved seats at House of Sundanese but last minute my boss decided to go to Fullerton Hotel for buffet lunch and to continue with our meeting.....shit he cant even let us have peace while having lunch! wahahahaha
I have called Fullerton the day before n was informed that they dont serve halal food. But then 6 ppl against me ...well they win n i have to follow them there....in my mind i was telling myself "shit" wat the hell am i gog to eat there?! Finally we reached the Town Restaurant ( i tink tats wat its called if im not wrong) , i saw a malay chef...a nice uncle and he showed me which dish i can eat (halal tat is)....ended up eating prawns ,the kung po prawns was DELICIOUS...yum yum....i had 3 servings of it! hehehe...there was also roast beef but i dont eat white meat n so i skipped tat one...had laksa ...n nice pastries....mmmmm...well after finishing our food n the meeting...the bill came to $500 (approximately) for 7 of us....my boss had a shock of his life! wahahaha....
Guess today is my most expensive lunch , anyway who cares since i did not have to pay for it...but i guess i have to work doubly hard than.....to the chef at FULLERTON....u guys did good work.....i love the food!
But i miss having lunch wif my group of gf.....Rodzita, Hafeena, Siti n Mas...they are great bunch of ppl...who will crack jokes ...even how down i feel ...lunching wif them will perk me up! Thanks guys for being such fun !
Will blog in again tomorrow ....if i can...nite2
Monday, January 7, 2008
Monday Blues....

had a freaking Monday ! I hate today coz today im feeling very shitty!
Hate it when im feeling this way......i had a bad start to Monday coz of wat happen the nite before....noting big but i guess its my freaking hormones.....late sunday nite my mum called me to inform me that my kids madrasah transport guy called her (after a month tat is) to inform her that there is a fee hike in the transport fee. Its such a big jump from $28 to $40 for twice a week ( damn ridiculous) . Everything is going up except my freaking pay ! AARRGGGHHHH......
Well, this morning i called the madrasah office and screwed up the admin staffs...threatening to write in to forum page...wahahahaha...tat works..within an hour , they called me...i told them that the fee hike is drastic n unreasonable ( nak cekik $$ orang aja)......well they say they will get back to me. My hormones is making me bitchy....shootz
Then someone in the office break news to me saying that my boss said someting that IRKS me ALOT....another shitty ting tat happen...well if im reali free like wat was intepreted than who the HELL was doing all the work all this time...freaking GHOST! .....im so demoralised n so sad.....i work my ass off n this is wat i get...attending to all the needs of 6 managers..HELL......Whatever! im juz waiting for my appraisal and if i get shitty appraisal ...i will really be PISSED. God help me....
Why im so shitty about everything....its my raging hormones......pity my hubby who have to endure my tantrums and bitchiness....so sorry darling ...n tks for being there...to sayang2 me wen im down..love u! MUAKS
Anyways...the good side of today is ...Mika was appointed as Class Monitor...reali brought a smile to my face...so happy...Ilyas is also a subject Monitor...im a PROUD MUMMY!
PS: My papa is reaching Singapore this Saturday.....yeh yeh....MISS him alot.........attach is pic of my beloved parents....
Will continue again soon......hope tomorrow will be a better day for me ( hope so as i have a morning meeting) eeeeewwwww
Friday, January 4, 2008
Pics of our KL trip & Video of Aliyah the dancing princess

Below video is of Aliyah dancing to the Tak Ada Logika by Agnes Monica ( Indonesia version of Britney Spears)...Mika was the person capturing Aliyah on video.....no one saw wat was happening..even though my dad was in the background reading papers...my sis, myself n my mum was chatting at the dining area and we were not aware of this video. My sister , Zareena discovered the video when she was checking her hp before she sleep, she called me ard 11pm at nite telling me of the video..we had a good laugh! So see for yourself on how my lil princess dance!....Agnes Monica if you need a backup dancer, you know who to call....wahahahaha
A new year .... 2008